bashful Usage and options

Manage the BASHful Suite tools.


bashful [install | uninstall | update] <tool 1> <...>

You can manage a tool by specifying the modification type and the tool name. Valid modification types are defined as:

bashful docs [<tool>]

Goto the online documentation for a tool (if specified). If no tool is listed, then this command will take you to the main index page of the BASHful Suite.

Additionally, bashful list will display all the installed tools from the suite.

Installing GitHub Gists

Why?: I once wanted to send a coworker a script that ran a useful set of instructions for a particular common work task. It ended up being a painful process to have the file added to PATH and setting the permissions so that it could be invoked from the command line. So I decided to add a feature to bashful to install gists as executable files.

bashful gist install <url-to-github-gist | program name in registry>

That will install your gist program as an executable.

Gist Registries

To see what packages are known by the registry, run bashful gist info.

To combine add an additional registry to you local copy of bashful, run the following command:

bashful gist add <url to gist hosting additional registry>

To update a registry listing on your machine, run the following command. It will grab the latest data so that you can access it via bashful gist info.

bashful gist update-registry <name of the registry>

How to Set Up a Bashful Gist Registry

Bashful registries are simply JSON objects of the following form:

  "NameOfYourRegistry": {
    "package-name": {
      "description": "Some description of what this does",
      "gistUrl": ""
    "other-package": {
      "description": "The TLDR on what this package does",
      "gistUrl": ""

The registry lives as a github gist (see example) where the only file in the gist is the JSON show above. The filename in the gist is not important, but it is recommended that you have it of the form NameOfYourRegistry.registry.json to make it easier to discover.


Example 1: Install inc and cache

Use the bashful CLI to install a tool or set of tools:

bashful install inc cache

Both inc and cache are now ready to use! I could have also ran bashful update inc cache if I wanted to get the latest version from GitHub.

Example 2: Uninstall json

bashful uninstall json

Now I can check to see that the program has been removed:

bashful list

# Outputs:
#    The following Programs are installed
#            inc
#            cache
#            bashful

Example 3: Installing a gist from GitHub to the command line

I wrote a test gist to QA this feature of bashful. Feel free to install it. It’s called bacon, and all it does is echo out a congratulations message.

bashful gist install # <-- link to `bacon` program

Now I can run bacon from the terminal and see that it worked. (Note that the bashful will treat this as a normal native program, and you can remove it by typing bashful uninstall bacon).